Name : Bikram Mondal
Age : 7 yrs
Blood Group : O+
Weight : 20Kg
Weight as on 25.03.2014 : 15.300kg
Height : 1175cms
Mother's Name : Basanti Mondal
Father's Name : Late Barun Mondal (Died on 22.06.2010)
Source : Vill – Radhanagar, P.O. - Sonarpur,
P.S. – Sonarpur, Dist. – South 24 Pgs
Date of Scrutiny : 11th January, 2013
Date of Birth : 6th November, 2008

History :
His father died an unnatural death following an altercation with family members when he was of an age of one and a half year.His father was a vegetable seller. His mother lives in her house with her only little son in Kamrabad, Sonarpur.The child is now about 4 years old.He has been referred by the local panchayet.He came to our project site with his mother on 11.01.2013.All his documents have been verified.