Name : Deep Panigrahi
Date of Birth : 21.10.2004
Blood Group : A+
Weight : 24Kg
Weight as on 25.03.2014 : 25.300kg
Height :
Mother's Name : Kamala Panigrahi
Father's Name : Raju Panigrahi
Source : Vill – Narkelbagan, P.O. - Laskarpur P.S. – Sonarpur, Dist. – South 24 Pgs
Date of Scrutiny: 11th January, 2013

History :
The child is about 8 years old.His father left his mother and a case of divorce is pending with the Alipore Court at present.A GD was registered with the Sonarpur PS on 15.07.2009 in connection with filing a case of divorce against the father of Deep, Shri Raju Panigrahi consequent upon his parting with his wife.Relevant documents regarding the case of divorce have been made available to us.

He has a little brother and lives with his mother in a small rented bamboo hut in Narkelbagan under the jurisdiction of Sonarpur PS.A certificate of residence issued by Rajpur-Sonarpur Municipality has also been furnished for our record.His mother works as a maid servant in local households.

The information about the child was obtained from Shri Rabinder Prasad, our tiles and floor contractor.His residence was inspected by the Project in-Charge Shri Subir Kumar Ghosh on 05.01.2013.The child is now going to a local school and reading in class III.It has been noticed that the child can read Bengali very well and he has a basic knowledge in Mathematics.The child visited our project site on 11.01.2013 with his mother Smt.Kamala Panigrahi with relevant documents for our verification. The child is intelligent.