Name : Manju Sardar
Age : 7 yrs
Blood Group : O+
Weight : 20Kg
Weight as on 25.03.2014 : 16.300kg
Height : 1175cms
Mother's Name : Rupa Sardar
Father's Name : Biswajit Sardar
Source : Vill – Navasan,
P.O. - Kustia P.S. – Sonarpur,
Dist. – South 24 Pgs
Date of Scrutiny : 11th January, 2013
Date of Birth : 1st July, 2009

History :
The girl child aged about 4 years is an orphan. She was found by Shri Biswajit Sardar some 4 years back by the side of a lake near Natun Bazar, Navasan.Her mother was a mentally challenged woman who was about to throw her into the lake when she was one month old.The little child after being rescued by Biswajit Sardar is now living in his house.She now goes to school for study.The information about the child has been obtained after local inquiry.She came to our foundation with Smt.Tapati Sardar, mother of Biswajit Sardar, her foster father with all documents on 11.01.2013. She is now going to a local primary school for study.She is very clever and intelligent.