Name : Sudip Purkait
Age : 7 yrs
Blood Group : O+
Weight : 20Kg
Weight as on 25.03.2014 : 12.400kg
Height : 1175cms
Mother's Name : Sabita Purkait
Father's Name : Late Susanta Purkait
Source : Vill. + P.O. : Nikarighata,
P.S. : Canning, Dist. : South 24 Pgs
Date of Scrutiny : 11th January, 2013
Date of Birth : 25th May, 2009

History :
His father late Susanta Purkait died of jaundice with malaria in the year.Now the child lives with his mother Sabita Purkait in his grand father’s house in Ghutiari Sharif.The date of birth of the child is 25.05.2009 and they were living in Canning before the death of his father.His mother works in the agricultural field as a temporary worker on no work no pay basis.The Child has been referred by our well wisher Shri Sailen Sanpui.He came to our foundation with his mother on 11.01.2013 and all his documents have been verified by us.