The operating principles are regularly updated to stay current, relevant, and accurate when compared to the mission statement. The Trust has expanded its focus over time to include education, health, and community development, particularly for underprivileged children.

We are dedicated to pinpoint the greatest injustice in any neighborhood, village or city and support to those living under its oppression, particularly orphans, and single parent children. We trail such unfortunate children everywhere and save them from exploitation. We take children over the age of 5 and they stay with us, in our homes, until they are self-sufficient.

We started an English medium school in the name South Calcutta Public School (SCPS). The school follows C.B.S.E. curriculum which enables the children of the surrounding villages to get good quality education at affordable cost. The children of our orphanage also study in this school for free. The school became operational since 2016 and the present 400 students are studying with all the modern amenities. Since our commencement, we have continuously provided assistance to local communities through various social activities and welfare programs.

Through our efforts, we have been able to support the elderly by implementing a weekly free meal program. Moreover, we have taken the initiative to provide free adult education to individuals, free coaching sessions and music classes for financially weak students of the surrounding villages.

In addition, we focus on the following other welfare activities: -

Since 2010, TBEF has introduced free weekly medical check-up camp with a MBBS doctor, and a trained nurse. The beneficiaries are young and elderly people and around 120 patients get benefits of free health check-up and free medicines every month.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided to step up and help our local community. We provided masks, sanitizers, and dry food to the people in our neighborhood. Moreover, we also handed out Oximeters and taught everyone about the importance of social distancing, washing hands frequently, wearing masks, and using sanitizers properly. Our main goal was to make sure that everyone knew how to keep track of their oxygen levels and get medical help promptly if needed.

DISASTER MANAGEMENT : A natural catastrophe, an unforeseen event, causes disaster upon society, harming countless individuals and structures. Despite diligent preparations, the devastation remains immeasurable.

AILA 2010 : A tropical disturbance transformed into a cyclonic storm called AILA, reaching its maximum strength on May 25, 2009, as it made landfall. The Sundarban region in West Bengal suffered severe flooding, leaving approximately 400,000 people stranded, along with other affected areas.

The Biswas Educational Foundation reached "Kumirmari" in the Sundarban region in June 2009, offering significant help to 350 families who had lost everything.

AMPHAN 2020 : In May 2020 another Super Cyclonic Storm named AMPHAN hit Eastern India causing widespread damage, which was considered more serious than the impact of COVID-19. The storm surge broke through barriers and resulted in extensive flooding in the Sundarbans.

In June 2020, our team reached the effected areas and helped 400 families in Basanti and Jharkhali in the Sunderban Coastal regions. We also provided relief to 120 families in the nearby villages of Prasadpur in the South 24 Parganas district.

YAAS 2021 : On May 2021, a powerful cyclone called Yaas hit Odisha, causing widespread flooding in West Bengal, affecting over 1,100 villages and forcing around 500,000 people to evacuate.

In June 2021, we completed all the required preparations and started helping 400 families in the affected regions of Sundarbans and Namkhana. Moreover, our team also aided 150 families living in the nearby villages of Prasadpur in the South 24 Parganas district by providing them with necessary relief.

SUMMER DRINKING WATER CAMP : Every summer, when the days are hot, we offer cold drinking water and Glucon-D to pedestrians and passers-by near our Main Gate. The temperature typically stays around 41-42 degrees, and the children of Ananda Bhavan eagerly participate in this summer drinking water camp.


We believe in giving appropriate home sizes in order to create a family-like atmosphere. This allows the house mother & caregivers to give personal attention to each child, to make sure that all needs are met, and each child feel special.

Our each mother house is a 3-Storeyed building.Each floor accommodates 15 children.At present we are maintaining 28 children.These children are being taken care of by one Mother and four Care Givers.We provide relevant space to each child in classroom, bedroom & playground to enable him or her to grow open & broad with enough confidence & dedication.

Special attention is given towards the Child handling & caring part too.We maintain a calculated ratio of Mother & Teacher versus child to ensure that they are attend with equal importance together, as shown in the table below :


Mother/ caregiver Class Teacher Painting Teacher Music Teacher Residential space allocation per child Class room space allocation per child Playground space allocation per child No. of Floors in the Orphan House
15:3 15:1 15:1 15:1 175 sq.ft. 150 sq.ft 135 sq.m. 3

All Govt. rules and regulations are followed & maintained with regular reviews by the Project Incharge & TRUSTEE Board. Regular visits are conducted by the concerned Govt. officials too. We submit the details of the children to the local Government bodies and Police Stations and keep updating the same from time to time.

The children are taught in a extremely homely atmosphere, so as to make them feel secured & affectionate towards the other fellow member sharing the facility together. They are being bought up in a disciplined schedule everyday from morning 5:45 A.M. till 9:30 P.M. at night in the weekdays, correspondingly as mentioned below :

Drinking Water, Going to Toilet, Tooth Brush, Eating Peanuts, Meditation, Body Oil massage, Exercise, Prayer, Breakfast, Drinking Water, Toilet, Attend School, 10 minutes Break for drinking water & toilet, Attend School, Lunch, Drinking water, Attend school, Get back to room, Drinking water, fruits, ready for Drawing or Music Class as per schedule, Games, Drinking water, Evening snacks with health drink, Finish Homework, make your bed, dinner, drinking water, toilet, tooth brush, go to bed.

Thanks to our highly devoted & dedicated House Mother & Care Givers, who deliver their cent percent to help the children learn the lesson of being self dependence, cleanliness, sacrifice, loyalty & finishing homework in time too. The senior children are trained in various routine work on Sundays, such as gardening, dusting of individual book shelf, nail cutting & shoe polishing.

Every last date of the month is a common birthday celebration for those who have their birthdays in the following month.We organize various events of Annual Function & Sports meet to encourage the children meet the level of competency in extracurricular activities too & also present them in public to show their progress & avail their right to establish in the common stream of the society.


A loved, educated and happy child in TBEF has a real chance to succeed!

We plan our exploration agenda well in advance. We are ready with our plan of action for the upcoming years ahead.Now as the time goes we are just into the completion of the second Mother House (to be named as ‘SHANTI BHAVAN’) shall be fully ready by February 2014 & so on slowly & gradually another process of building four more such Houses each of which will accommodate 45 children adding 450 children to our family, follows thereon…….

Every Mother House will have three floors. Each floor will accommodate 15 children.These children will be taken care of by one Mother and two Care Givers.The children will stay in their respective Mother houses till they are promoted to Class VII.After Class VII when they are self sufficient and are able to take care of themselves, they will be shifted to our free residential hostel where they will continue to stay till they complete their 12th standard. We will also provide vocational training to the academically weaker children.The training will be imparted at our residential workshop so that they are well equipped when they leave our facility.Each child will attend our in-campus school from their respective Mother houses.

To make TBEF strong enough in it’s endeavors, it has now become necessary to be self sustaining too.Our prime focus is now to build a boarding Sr. Secondary School with One Lac Sq. Ft. space & a hostel for children of poor widowed mothers and orphans belonging to the under privileged section of the society.